Westernesse Morgan Reiners
Quarter Horses For Sale
Jewels Texas Boon - Congratulations Monica Meiman of the purchase of this dynamic gelding! Working Cowhorse!
Reference sire: Yellow Roan of Texas
Jose Kicker
(DocNJose x Beauty's Kick)
2003 chestnut gelding. Just finished off by Kim Diercks of Kim Diercks Reining Horses
Now showing NCRHA shows and is now ready to start the 2009 season! Suitable for Rookie or better rider.
Texas Chicody - Sold
(Sailing Smart x Beauty's Kick)
Sailing Smart - (Smart Chic Olena x Sailing Doll x Topsail Cody)
2002 chestnut mare. Started reining with Kim Diercks but would need finishing. NRBC Enrolled. Headed towards Ranch Horse Versatility but could be a finished reiner. Great opportunity at a great price! $3800.
Reference photo: Sailing Smart.
Dunnit Seven Times
(Dun It In Hollywood x Beauty's Kick)
2005 Bay Filly
Green broke. She is absolutely gorgeous as well as extremely athletic. She will be exceptional in the reining pen as well as excellent in the broodmare band! Exceptional opportunity, exceptional price: $3500.